Tuesday 14 February 2012

Obesity and Health Concerns ? Global Issues | Submit Article for Free

14 FEB 2012 USA: Health can be said as ones complete stability of physical, mental and social well being. It has become a major issue in one?s life. Good health refers to many factors which are associated with right eating, being fit mentally as well as physically and having a good sleep. However, falling sick more often because of reduced immunity, having sleepless nights, being mentally disturbed are signs of bad health.
Health issues have become a global concern as it can give rise to major problems. In among some issues obesity has become a great concern.
Obesity is condition in which excess body fat accumulated has an adverse effect on health which causes reduction in life expectancy or it increases many health issues. Obesity is kind of being over weighted. Obesity is a medical condition which invites many other health issues like heart diseases, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, types of cancer, and types of arthritis. Obesity is many causes when excess amount of fat energy is consumed, lack of physical exercise, low metabolism or in few cases through genes.

Research states that obesity has been the cause of death worldwide. Even in India many such obesity cases have been found mainly in children and adults. In India a research showed that people eating lot of junk food have prone to obtain obesity. However, this is something which is preventable. Measurements like exercising and low fat intake can reduce this medical condition. It is important for people to take good care of health.
In this fast moving generation, health is often being neglected. However, this global issue has to be considered to maintain good health so that no other issues? regarding health is raised.

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Source: http://www.submitarticleforfree.in/obesity-and-health-concerns-global-issues/


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