Monday 1 April 2013

UNM Regents' Finance and Facilities Committee Meets April 5 ...

The Finance and Facil?i?ties Com?mit?tee of the Uni?ver?sity of New Mex?ico Board of Regents meets Fri?day, April 5 at 8:30 a.m. in the Roberts Room of Scholes Hall on UNM main campus.

In addi?tion to the three Regents who are mem?bers of this com?mit?tee, other Regents may attend this meet?ing in a non-voting capacity.


Actions Items:
Quo?rum (8:30?am)

1.?Meeting Sum?mary from March 1, 2013. (8:30?am)

2.?Monthly Con?sol?i?dated Finan?cial Reports (8:40 am)
?(Liz Met?zger, Interim Univ. Controller)

3. ?Dis?po?si?tion of Sur?plus Prop?erty for Main Cam?pus on list dated 3/15/13 (9:00 am)
?(Bruce Cher?rin, Chief Pro?cure?ment Officer)

4.?Contract Approvals: (9:15am)
?1) Finan?cial Ser?vices ? FY 2013 Audit Con?tract Approval
?2) UNM Ath?let?ics ? Dak?tron?ics
?3) UNM Infor?ma?tion Tech?nolo?gies ? Microsoft Cor?po?ra?tion
?(Bruce Cher?rin, Chief Pro?cure?ment Officer)

5.?Approval of Lease of Real Prop?erty ? UNMH Addic?tion and Sub?stance Abuse Clinic 2600 Yale Blvd. SE (9:30 am)
?(Tom Neale, Interim Real Estate Dir.)

6.?Approval of Third Amend?ment to Lease of Real Prop?erty for UNMH Eye Clinic 1600 Uni?ver?sity Blvd. NE (10:00am)
?(Tom Neale, Interim Real Estate Dir.)

7.?Approval of Nam?ing Requests: (10:25am)
?1) Estab?lish?ment and Nam?ing for Dr. Anthony T. and Eileen K. Yeung Cen?ter for Endo?scopic Surgery
?2) New Ten?nis Facil?ity
?3) Lobo Field Bullpens
?(Breda Bova, Chair Nam?ing Committee)

8.?Approval of Cap?i?tal Project Request for 1650 Uni?ver?sity NE Build-Out (10:45am)
?(Ava Lovell, HSC Senior Exec?u?tive Offi?cer of Finance & Administration)

9.?Approval of Retiree Health Care Task force Report and Rec?om?men?da?tions (10:50 am)
?(Fran Wilkin?son, Deputy Dean of Uni?ver?sity Libraries and Mike Duran, COO for?HR)

***(item 10 moved?below)


11.? Con?tract Infor?ma?tion (11:20am)
?1) PPD Engi?neer?ing ? Util?ity Mas?ter Plan (Bruce Cher?rin, Chief Pro?cure?ment Offi?cer)
12. ?Semi-Annual HSC Finan?cial Pre?sen?ta?tion (11:30am)
?(Ava Lovell, HSC Senior Exec?u?tive Offi?cer of Finance & Admin?is?tra?tion)
LUNCH BREAK: 12:00 ? 12:30?p.m.

10.?Discussion and Approval of Agenda for Regents FY 14 Bud?get Sum?mit (12:45 pm)
?(David W. Har?ris, EVP Admin?is?tra?tion &Andrew Cullen, AVP Plan?ning, Bud?get & Analysis)


Exec?u?tive Session:



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