Saturday 24 December 2011

Oh, look... A "seeking literate role-play partner" thread...

Why, hello there. ^_^ I'm kind of a new member, but not really, so kind of a returning member but then again... not really. I was on here once before and really enjoyed it but "high school" caught up with me so I never got back on. Now that I'm well into college and finding myself bored with every other forum I'm on and struggling to find a multi-genre forum I enjoy quite as much as I did this one I figured... Well, hell; why not just come back here?

I'm not sure how to navigate through the "Role Plays" tab option so I'm just going to stick with the post-by-post role-playing style I'm comfortable with. To start out, I'm just looking for a couple threads here and there and am more than happy to move them to even IMs, should the other partner have AOL Instant Messenger.

Now, the types of role-plays I like to do are modern fantasy or sci-fi (vampires, werewolves, ZOMBIES, ect) but I do like to deviate to both medieval and futuristic. The fandoms I enjoy are Supernatural (I like to play both Winchesters and Castiel), Harry Potter (Draco), Mass Effect (Kaidan and Garrus), The Boondock Saints (Connor), and a few others... Just ask. Of course, I have originals for each fandom and have a plethora of originals that could fit into any situation.

I'm more than comfortable of gay/lesbian and in fact prefer those types of relationships-- as I mostly play males, gay.

If you have any ideas, feel free to suggest them. Right now, I'm just so bored, I'm up for nearly anything.


vaclav havel kim jong ii dead snapdragon snapdragon kim jong ill dead wedding crashers next iron chef

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