Thursday 31 January 2013

After Super Bowl, many fans will suffer football withdrawal symptoms

Jan. 30, 2013 ? On Sunday night, after the final play of the Super Bowl, many fans will start experiencing withdrawal symptoms from not being able to watch football.

Loyola University Medical Center Dr. Angelos Halaris describes the effects this has on the brain, and offers tips on how fans can cope.

Halaris explains that when a person engages in a pleasurable activity, such as watching a football game, a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) called dopamine is released in a part of the brain called the nucleus accumbens.

When the pleasurable activity ends, the person is left with a feeling of depravation. It's similar to what a smoker feels when deprived of a cigarette -- except there's no quick fix like a cigarette for the football fan.

"When the football season is over and there's no other game on the schedule for months, you're stuck, so you go through withdrawal," Halaris said.

For hardcore fans, the feeling can be similar to post-holiday blues, Halaris said.

Halaris offers these tips for fans who suddenly have to face months without football:

-- Don't go cold turkey. Watch football on YouTube, or on recordings, in gradually diminishing amounts.

-- Share your feelings of withdrawal and letdown with a friend or spouse.

-- While it can be unpleasant, football withdrawal is not serious enough to require antidepressants or other medications. And do not self medicate with drugs or alcohol.

-- Most important, buck up. "You're just going to have to basically tough it out until football starts up again," Halaris said.

Halaris is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and medical director of Adult Psychiatry at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Loyola University Health System, via Newswise.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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ESPN Announces Pre-Season Baseball Schedule

January 30, 2013 ? Keith

ESPN today announced its schedule of pre-season Major League Baseball games.

The Sunday Night Baseball crew of Dan Shulman, Orel Hershiser, John Kruk and Buster Olney will make its debut March 18th when the Phillies take on the Braves.

Here is the ESPN pre-season baseball schedule, along with announcer assignments:

Date Time (ET) Game Commentators
Mon, Mar. 11 1 p.m. St. Louis Cardinals at New York Yankees Jon Sciambi, Doug Glanville, Jayson Stark
Mon, Mar. 18 1 p.m. Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves Dan Shulman, Orel Hershiser, John Kruk, Buster Olney
Tue, Mar. 19 1 p.m. New York Yankees at Philadelphia Phillies Dan Shulman, Orel Hershiser, John Kruk, Buster Olney
Wed, Mar. 20 1 p.m. Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees * Dan Shulman, Orel Hershiser, John Kruk, Buster Olney
Mon, Mar. 25 1 p.m. Boston Red Sox at Baltimore Orioles Karl Ravech, Barry Larkin, Doug Glanville
Tue, Mar. 26 1 p.m. St. Louis Cardinals at New York Mets Karl Ravech, Aaron Boone, Rick Sutcliffe, Tim Kurkjian
Wed, Mar. 27 1 p.m. Philadelphia Phillies at Detroit Tigers Karl Ravech, Barry Larkin, Doug Glanville
Thu, Mar. 28 1 p.m. New York Mets at Washington Nationals Dave O?Brien, Aaron Boone, Rick Sutcliffe, Tim Kurkjian



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Wednesday 30 January 2013

All The President's Plans

By MICHAEL FALCONE ( @michaelpfalcone )


OBAMA IN VEGAS: President Obama maps out his immigration plan at this afternoon in Las Vegas where, a senior administration official tells ABC's Reena Ninan, he will focus largely on what he's discussed before. The president won't put forward a bill - instead he'll support the Senate's principles outlined yesterday and explain what else needs to be done. The White House feels Las Vegas is a community symbolic of the growing Latino population in both the state and the nation and since immigration reform is a pledge the president made during the campaign, the White House says he wants to deliver.

EL DIABLO IS IN THE DETAILS: Even the senators who wrote the immigration reform proposal outlined yesterday admitted there's lots of work still ahead. One land mine: Some Republicans want to link getting green cards to whether the border is secure. Border security still a gray issue. If the Gang of Eight's efforts fall apart the president's team will step in with its own proposal, Ninan notes.

SECRET CONGRESSIONAL GROUP WORKING ON IMMIGRATION ALTERNATIVE: A separate bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives is on the verge of finalizing its own designs for comprehensive immigration reform, ABC's John Parkinson reports. The discussions, which top aides close to the talks discussed on the condition that they not be identified, are described as "Washington's best-kept secret." Multiple sources say those involved in the talks include Democratic Reps. Xavier Becerra (California), Luis Gutierrez (Illinois), Zoe Lofgren (California), and Republican Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (Florida), Sam Johnson (Texas) and John Carter (Texas). The House's not-yet-finalized proposal is expected to address five general areas of immigration reform, according to aides close to the negotiations. Secure the border, implement a permanent E-verify system nationwide, reform the visa system, address the predicament of how to handle immigrants already in the country illegally in a "fair" and "legal manner" while determining how to handle those who have applied for legal immigration and are currently waiting in line, and reform the immigration system for future applicants.


ABC's RICK KLEIN: What could possibly go wrong? The bipartisan Senate proposal is on the table, with boldfaced names like McCain, Rubio, Graham, Schumer, Durbin, and Menendez signed on. The House isn't far behind. And the president takes up the mantle himself today, as he lobbies the public to force action at last on immigration reform ? Wait, this could get interesting, after all. The White House has had mixed results with letting Congress handle the details of much of anything. But these are the kinds of details that members of Congress from both parties have spent months if not years wrestling through; witness the twin failures of immigration reform, in 2006 and 2007, under the leadership of a different president. The real question for the White House: Will heavy involvement - and pushing in directions the Gang of Eight doesn't want to go - be more harmful for helpful?

ABC's MICHAEL FALCONE: At yesterday's bi-partisan news conference announcing the Gang of Eight's immigration reform principles, Sen. John McCain's answer about why Republicans were so eager to move on the issue was telling. "Elections, elections," the Arizona senator said. "The Republican Party is losing the support of our Hispanic citizens." He's right: Hispanic voters are becoming a larger share of the electorate and GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, won just 27 percent of the vote among the group compared to 71 percent who supported President Obama. There was also something striking about watching Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a member of the immigration reform group, launch into Spanish during the press conference. Neither Rubio's language skills nor his familiarity with the immigration issue are breaking news, but I imagine it will give other potential 2016 Republicans pause.

ABC's SHUSHANNAH WALSHE: Currently, the prevailing theory about Sarah Palin is that because she doesn't have the megaphone of Fox News anymore, the "Palin moment" is now officially over. It might be true, but there have been so many "Ends of Sarah Palin" that it's almost hard to keep track. She was over when she lost the 2008 campaign, she was over when she quit the Alaska governorship, she was over when she decided to do a reality show, she was over when she decided not to run for president. Now she's over because she severed her ties with Fox. But the reality is different. Even after she decided to resign as governor and to pass up a 2012 presidential bid, people who both love her and hate her still just couldn't get enough information about her. Palin still got an incredible amount of coverage and her voice was heard - loud and clear. It's yet another example of what she's able to pull off that others who came before or after just aren't: She's been written off since Day One, but she keeps coming back.

ABC's JASON RYAN: The FBI has released new gun background check data yesterday showing that the week after the Newtown massacre (December 14, 2012) was the busiest for gun background checks ever, followed by the week President Obama announced new gun control proposals on January 16, 2013. As ABC News has reported, gun sales have been booming since Newtown. After previously denying journalists access to gun data, National Instant Check System figures show that overall in December 2012 there were more than 2.78 million background checks carried out to purchase firearms surpassing the previous record from November 2012 when more than 2 million checks were performed. The number of total sales during the first month of the new year will be released in the first few days of February.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: MEET DEFIANT DEMOCRAT, HEIDI HEITKAMP. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., defied the odds in November when she won the closest senate race in the country, and now that she's arrived in Washington, she's defiant as ever. But now, instead of defying the pollsters, she's defying the Democratic caucus by taking divergent opinions on issues central to the President Obama's second term agenda, ranging from gun control to the environment. Heitkamp, who says growing the economy is her top priority, is concerned that the president is changing his focus to issues like climate change and gun control. "I think, you know the one thing that has gotten lost by everyone is one of the best ways that we can perform here is by getting people back to work, making sure that this economic recovery, slow as it is, gets amped up and moves forward," Heitkamp tells ABC's Jonathan Karl, host of "Politics Confidential." "It's one of the reasons why I've been such a big proponent of the Keystone Pipeline. There's a shovel ready, private sector jobs program, good paying jobs." WATCH:


IMMIGRATION REFORM PLAN INCLUDES A PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP. The Senate's plan does not grant undocumented immigrants automatic "amnesty," rather it requires them to go through an arduous process that includes undergoing a background check, paying fines, back taxes and learning English and American civics over the course of a number of years, reports ABC-Univision's Jordan Fabian. The new law would grant eligible undocumented immigrants permission to live and work in the U.S. legally, but would not confer permanent legal status, or a green card, until the border is deemed to be secure. Young people brought into the U.S. illegally as minors and some agricultural workers would face an easier path to citizenship. "We will never put these people on a path to citizenship until we have secured the border," New York Sen. Chuck Schumer said yesterday. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who helped lead the last effort on a comprehensive immigration bill in 2007 said, "We have been too content for too long to allow individuals to mow our lawns, grow our food, clean our homes, and even watch our children while not affording them any of the benefits that make our country so great."

OBAMA TALKS GUN VIOLENCE WITH POLICE CHIEFS. President Obama is enlisting the help of police chiefs from communities devastated by mass shootings as he continues a public push for Congress to act on his proposals to curb gun violence, ABC's Mary Bruce notes. "No group is more important for us to listen to than our law enforcement officials," the president told reporters before a White House meeting yesterday with sheriffs and police chiefs from across the country. "They are where the rubber hits the road." The president and members of his cabinet met with the police chiefs who responded to the deadly shootings in Aurora, Colo., Oak Creek, Wis., and Newtown, Conn, along with representatives from the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association and the Major County Sheriffs' Association. "I welcome this opportunity to work with them; to hear their views in terms of what will make the biggest difference to prevent something like Newtown or Oak Creek from happening again," Obama said.

CHICK-FIL-A CEO AND GAY ACTIVIST FIND COMMON GROUND. The leader of a national gay-rights group says he's coming out-as a friend of Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, ABC's Chris Good reports. "I've gotten to know Dan, he's gotten to know me. He's shared concerns about young people, about Chick-fil-A being used for certain purposes," Shane Windmeyer, executive director of Campus Pride, told ABC News. Last year, Cathy sparked a national controversy by telling a radio host that "we're inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. And I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude that thinks we have the audacity to redefine what marriage is all about." Windmeyer said that Cathy called him last year, during the heat of the controversy that led national gay-rights groups to protest Chick-fil-A. Cathy reached out seeking advice and understanding, Windmeyer said. Windmeyer was a guest of Cathy's at this year's Chick-fil-A Bowl between LSU and Clemson at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. The activist also says Chick-fil-A has stopped donating to anti-gay groups, according to his review of the company's 990 tax forms.

GOVERNMENT WASTE IN THE SPOTLIGHT. The Government Accountability Office is due to produce its biannual report on the areas of the government that present the highest risk for squandering tax payer dollars in the next couple weeks. Though the GAO does not preview this list ahead of time, ABC's Sarah Parnass takes a look at what might be targeted:


@DavidMDrucker : How central to immigration reform's success is @marcorubio?I'll predict that if he ever backs out bill is dead in House. W/ him: it passes.

@ByronYork: Speaking of deal killers, what will Chairman Leahy do to Gangof8 plan in Sen Judiciary Committee?

@onetoughnerd: Speaking at @GOVERNING Magazine conference in DC today about how we're reinventing Michigan. #govlive

@JoshDorner: 4 years ago today, President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. It was opposed by all but 8 Congressional Republicans.

@kjplotkin: RT @BobbyJindal: Let's Meet, Mr. President ?

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Qahwaji in France to Boost Military Cooperation Between 2 Countries

???? ??? ????? ????????
by Naharnet Newsdesk 30 January 2013, 08:03 W460

Army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji traveled to Paris on Wednesday to appeal for military aid and discuss ways to improve cooperation between the two countries.

Qahwaji's official visit at the invitation of chief of staff Guillaud Edouard will include talks with top French military officials on measures to provide aid to the Lebanese army.

The talks will also focus on ways to consolidate relations between the two armies in the fields of training and logistics.

Qahwaji last visited France at the head of a military delegation in 2011.

The army chief traveled to Britain in September to discuss ways to boost military cooperation between the two countries.


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Indy 500 Winner Arie Luyendyk Joins Echo Automotive Advisory ...

In the same way Via Motors works with Bob Lutz, Echo Automotive, Inc. announced yesterday that motorsports personality and industry advocate, Arie Luyendyk, is now part of its advisory board.

Echo Automotive, Inc. ?(Echo) describes itself as a developer of technologies enabling the cost effective conversion of existing fleet vehicles into fuel-efficient hybrids.

?As well as his extraordinary skills on the racetrack, Arie is passionate, informed and engaged as a supporter of automotive innovation,? said Echo COO and Managing Director, Patrick van den Bossche. ?We are thrilled to have his expertise, enthusiasm, visibility and broad industry relationships to aid us as we spread the word about the exciting possibilities our EchoDrive system offers. I have known Arie for a number of years and it?s a real pleasure to draw on his experiences as a consummate professional, especially in the area of automotive innovation.?
Arie Luyendyk began his racing in the early 1970s with a number of European national titles. He then moved to the United States in 1984 where he immediately won the Super Vee championship. He ran his first full Champ Car season in 1985 winning the rookie of the year title for both the season and at the Indianapolis 500.

His first win in the series came in 1990 where he won the Indianapolis 500 with a record average speed of 185.981 mph (299.307 km/h) that still stands to this day. He took his second Indy win at the 1997 race after qualifying for pole position.

During this period, he also qualified as Indy 500 pole sitter in 1993 and again in 1999 and further enjoyed his selection to participate in the 1992, 1993, and 1998 editions of the prestigious International Race of Champions.

After a brief retirement at the end of 1999 he returned to the Indy 500 in 2001 and 2002, but after an accident during practice in 2003 he retired from the series.

Other memorable victories during his career include the 24 Hours of Daytona and the 12 Hours of Sebring.

In a testament to his impact on the sport, the last corner of the Zandvoort race track in the Netherlands carries his name.


Echo said he is a well-respected statesman for the sport both at home and abroad with ongoing interests in many different facets of the industry.

?When I was approached to look things over, I was impressed to find such a well-considered business offering really smart technology aimed at such a clearly defined market? said Luyendyk. ?The fleet vehicle sector is a potentially huge opportunity and the Echo team is very focused on that. In racing, efficiency is always an advantage and therefore I have a great appreciation of Echo?s dedicated approach. I am looking forward to supporting the company?s efforts and am very pleased to be affiliated with them.?


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Secret prison camps revealed in new North Korea map

North Korea maps

Search for "North Korea" in Google Maps today, and you'll get a whole new perspective.

Citizen cartographers have helped label landmarks in that enigmatic and repressive state, which Google pushed live late Monday. Charting North Korea using its Map Maker software was a four-year process, David Marx, head of product PR for Google Asia-Pacific, tells Yahoo!. The vetting process for a nation once labeled part of an "axis of evil" isn't much different from other countries: To guard against misleading information, users have to be signed into their Google account to contribute and are reviewed by fellow mapping volunteers. "However, we do also have a small team of reviewers across the globe that may review and moderate updates in Map Maker to ensure data quality," Marx added.

"We know this map is not perfect," wrote senior product manager Jayanth Mysore in the company blog Google Lat Long. "While many people around the globe are fascinated with North Korea, these maps are especially important for the citizens of South Korea who have ancestral connections or still have family living there."

Related: Google Unveiled Detailed Map of N. Korea

Deep dives into North Korea
The use of North Korean satellite maps, however, has been geared less to matters of kinship and more about its human rights abuses and nuclear armament. DPRK Digital Atlas ? based on Google Earth ? recently debuted a detailed satellite overview of North Korea. The project, based out of the U.S.-Korea Institute at John Hopkins School of Advanced International studies (SAIS), emerged as a partnership with 38 North and North Korean Economy Watch (NKEW). NKEW editor Curtis Melvin, a Ph.D. student in economics at George Mason University, released an incredibly detailed map back in 2009, documenting railroad systems, compounds? complete with water slides?belonging to that country's elite, breweries, ostrich farms, and gulags.

"Satellite imagery is one of the few ways for foreigners to comprehend North Korea?s economic and security infrastructure, because information is so restricted," SAIS research associate Jenny Town notes in an email to Yahoo!. "Through satellite imagery we can see changes not only in the North?s missile and nuclear sites, but also markets and roads and other infrastructure which help us better understand how the North is developing. It is a good thing that Google Maps has become interested in North Korea, and we hope they will continue to refine their information."

Intense satellite scrutiny
For its part, 38 North has been closely monitoring satellite imagery to track the development of long-range missiles at North Korea's Sohae Satellite Launching Station and a possible upcoming nuclear test at Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Facility.

Analysis of new satellite imagery from January 23, 2013 and previous images dating back a month reveal that the site appears to be at a continued state of readiness that would allow the North to move forward with a test in a few weeks or less once the leadership in Pyongyang gives the order. Snowfall and subsequent clearing operations as well as tracks in the snow reveal ongoing activity at buildings and on roadways near the possible test tunnel. A photo from January 4 identifies a group of personnel, possibly troops or security guards, in formation in the yard of the administrative area near the test tunnel entrance, perhaps to greet visiting officials or for some other more routine purpose. (Jan. 25, 38 North)

The scrutiny's especially intense these days, after the United Nations's threat of sanctions if North Korea follows through with its test. A war of words has been launched, with a China editorial warning of reduced aid, South Korea's support of the resolution, and North Korea's fury directed at its southern neighbor, warning of "merciless retaliatory blows."

Yet in the meantime, leader Kim Jong Un reportedly plans to open North Korea to foreign investment, similar to Vietnam's economic development, to turn around the impoverished nation. He has already invited German economists and lawyers to plot that direction. With all this, map-watching North Korea may become a whole new online sport.


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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Monday 28 January 2013

5 Ways to Enhance Your Relationship Every Day | World of ...

5 Ways to Enhance Your Relationship Every DayThe everyday ? filled with its supposedly inconsequential interactions and circumstances ? is actually quite consequential when it comes to romantic relationships.

That?s because relationships are cumulative, said Nikki Massey-Hastings, Psy.D, a psychotherapist who specializes in couples. ?Each seemingly insignificant daily interaction with one?s partner builds upon the interactions from yesterday, last week, and last year? for better or worse.?

A couple with a history of loving interactions and success solving daily problems is more likely to have a securely attached relationship, Massey-Hastings said.

And that?s a great thing. Couples with a secure attachment are able to rely on each other, turn to each other for comfort and traverse potentially tough times, she noted.

In other words, positive daily interactions create buffers against future challenges.

Take parenting, for instance. One of Massey-Hastings?s clients told her: ?We finally had dinner and watched a movie last night for the first time since we brought the baby home. At the end of our night, we smiled at each other and said ?see you in 3 months! Miss you.??

This couple was able to joke about their situation because they had years of wonderful interactions and success dealing with mundane problems like decorating their bedroom and deeply emotional ones like figuring out treatments for their autistic son, she said.

Silvina Irwin, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist who also works with couples, described relationships as ?living bonds.? According to Irwin, ?without regular tending and attention, [the relationship] will wither and suffer.?

But you might be worried that working on your relationship is another time-consuming task to heap on an already overflowing pile of responsibilities. However, as Irwin said, ?tending to your relationship can be woven into the fabric of your everyday life with a little extra thought and intention.?

Below, she and Massey-Hastings share five suggestions for enhancing your relationship every day.

1. Create connection-boosting rituals.

?Create a meaningful way to connect that meets both partners? needs for connection that you can count on each day,? Massey-Hastings said. For instance, when she was just beginning her career, she and her husband would eat dinner together almost every night.

But then her schedule changed, and that was no longer possible. ?One week of this shift and we were both in tears ? we didn?t realize how much that ritual structured our time to connect,? she said. So they revised their routine. Today, they have a snack when she gets home.

?Eating together and talking about the day, for couples and for families, is a very powerful ritual of connection,? she said.

Rituals don?t need to be elaborate, either. It could be something as simple as rubbing each other?s feet every night, which Massey-Hastings and her husband also do. It?s a minute but meaningful ritual they look forward to, she said.

If you have kids, you can create rituals after they?re in bed. For instance, Massey-Hastings works with a couple who cuddles in bed for 30 minutes after putting their child to bed.

2. Be affectionate when you say hello or goodbye.

?A time that lends itself naturally to acknowledging your bond is around moments of separation and reunions,? said Irwin, who also leads workshops for couples. She suggested asking yourself: ?Do I hug and kiss my partner when we greet each other or say goodbye??How about in the evening when we say goodnight??

If you?ve been together for a long time, you might not. But this can contribute to ?couples feeling more like roommates than lovers,? she said. Whether it?s a hug, kiss or touch, daily physical attention can greatly enhance your relationship.

3. Let your partner know they?re on your mind.

Send your partner a text, leave a loving note or give them a quick call during the day, Irwin said. As she noted, these seemingly small gestures communicate an important message: ?You matter to me.? ?This can be especially meaningful when folks work long hours or experience prolonged periods of separation,? she said.

4. Acknowledge how much your partner means to you.

Let your partner know the things they do or say that are meaningful to you, Irwin said. Maybe your partner gives you a massage every night or cracks a joke after you?ve had a tough day at work. Maybe they make you coffee every morning or always wash the dishes after you cook dinner.

?[This] shows that you aren?t taking your partner for granted, and lets them know that they make a difference in your life,? she said. ?A wonderful positive spiral that can ensue when we take a moment to point out the way we appreciate our partner,? she added.

5. Check in with each other.

?Make it an intention to slow down, make eye contact, sit near each other, touch one another and check in,? Irwin said. Even just asking your partner ?How are you?? is a beautiful way to bond.

?These conversations bring a significant point of connection in couples? sometimes-busy, seemingly parallel lives.?It?s saying to each other ?In our crazy lives, the person I want to talk with at the end of the day is you!?? she said.

Relationships certainly take work. But nourishing your partnership every day isn?t painstaking. Instead, it gives you the opportunity to build your bond. Plus, helping your relationship blossom on a daily basis helps you cope better as a couple with the inevitable challenges of life.

Margarita TartakovskyMargarita Tartakovsky, M.S. is an Associate Editor at Psych Central and blogs regularly about eating and self-image issues on her own blog, Weightless.

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????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 28 Jan 2013
????Published on All rights reserved.

APA Reference
Tartakovsky, M. (2013). 5 Ways to Enhance Your Relationship Every Day. Psych Central. Retrieved on January 29, 2013, from



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Inmates moved after bloody Venezuela prison riot

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) ? Venezuelan authorities on Sunday finished evacuating inmates from a prison where 61 were reported killed in one of the deadliest prison clashes in the nation's history.

Penitentiary Service Minister Iris Varela said in a message on Twitter that the evacuation of Uribana prison in the city of Barquisimeto was completed on Sunday morning. Inmates were loaded aboard buses and driven to other prisons.

Varela posted photos of inmates filing out led by authorities, and said that what will come next for the prison is "now the reconstruction!"

Two days after the violence, government officials had yet to provide an official death toll from the fierce gunbattles, which pitted armed inmates against National Guard troops.

Dr. Ruy Medina, director of Central Hospital in the city, told The Associated Press on Saturday that the death toll had risen to 61, while about 120 were wounded in the violence.

Medina said that nearly all of the injuries were from gunshots and that 45 of the estimated 120 people who were wounded remained hospitalized.

Relatives wept outside the prison during the violence, and cried at the morgue as they waited to identify bodies.

The riot was the latest in a series of deadly clashes in Venezuela's overcrowded and often anarchical prisons, where inmates typically obtain weapons and drugs with the help of corrupt guards. Critics called it proof that the government is failing to get a grip on a worsening national crisis in its penitentiaries.

The gunbattles seized attention amid uncertainty about President Hugo Chavez's future, while he remained in Cuba recovering and undergoing treatment more than six weeks after his latest cancer surgery.

Government officials pledged a thorough investigation, while some critics said there should have been ways for the authorities to prevent such bloodshed.

The riot was the deadliest in nearly two decades. In January 1994, more than 100 inmates died in the country's bloodiest prison violence on record when a riot and fire set by inmates tore through a prison in the western city of Maracaibo. In 1992, about 60 inmates were killed in a riot in a Caracas prison.

Varela said that the violence erupted on Friday when groups of inmates attacked National Guard troops who were attempting to carry out an inspection. She said the government decided to send troops to search the prison after reports of clashes between groups of inmates during the past two days.

"No one doubts that inspections are necessary procedures to guarantee prison conditions in line with international standards, but they can't be carried out with the warlike attitude as (authorities) have done it," said Humberto Prado, an activist who leads the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory, a watchdog group.

"It's clear that the inspection wasn't coordinated or put into practice as it should have been. It was evidently a disproportionate use of force," Prado said.

In 2011, when Chavez had been in office for 12 years, he created a Cabinet ministry to focus on prisons and appointed Varela to lead it. The president made that decision following a deadly, weekslong armed uprising at the prisons El Rodeo I and El Rodeo II outside Caracas.

Chavez at the time acknowledged that his government's previous initiatives to improve the prisons hadn't worked, and he pledged changes including building new prisons, improving conditions and speeding trials. Since then, Chavez has approved funds to repair and renovate prisons. But opponents and activists say the government hasn't made real progress at penitentiaries where hundreds continue to die each year.

Venezuela has 33 prisons built to hold about 12,000 inmates. Officials have said the prisons' population is currently about 47,000.


Associated Press writers Vivian Sequera in Bogota, Colombia, and Jorge Rueda in Caracas contributed to this report.


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Sunday 27 January 2013

Digital age, social media change the business landscape ...

Posted on January 27, 2013, Sunday

Gracie Geikie, UCSI Communications Sdn Bhd managing director

The fast growth in the tech?nology sector is changing the face of industries, even more so in the event manage?ment sector as a major platform for communications in business activities such as marketing, advertising and networking.

UCSI Communications Sdn Bhd managing director Gracie Geikie in an interview with BizHive Weekly said that the digital age had radically im?proved ? rather than changed the way events were organised these days.

?It has radically improved events because the speed of get?ting information is faster and the speed of doing things is faster.

?Nonetheless, old age values of courtesy and good ground training are still needed. Dig?ital technology advancement has helped us to improve or will help to improve us.

Giving a ?clear example?, she pointed out that people sitting at home could now just go online and buy literally anything, mak?ing the shopping experience very convenient.

Thus, the same thing could ap?ply in the meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE), where someone in the US looking at conferences online could register, book and arrange flights and accommodations with mere clicks of the mouse.

A transaction could be done within an hour, compared with 15 years ago when booking involved the client and the organiser or tour operator writing and fax?ing back and forth along with the transfer of funds involving a telegraphic transfer.

?It easily took a month. So look at the difference now: one hour and one month. That?s how fast it is so I think it has radically improved.

Silas Michael Martin, TRUevents managing director and chief eventor

?It has not changed. We have to change. We need to equip our?selves to cater for that. The digital age has forced us to become better and if you do not want to change, you will fall behind.

?We can now improve faster because of the digital age im?provement. It?s just a matter of whether we want it or not,? she highlighted.

Part of the entire process

Gracie opined that with so much information available in this digital age, ?too much infor?mation sometimes kills?; infor?mation overkill would confuse the market so one must make use of digital technology in a very strategic manner.

?Some people think they don?t need to do advertising or market?ing because there is free online stuff like Twitter and Facebook. It doesn?t work that way just because Facebook is available and free.

?It?s not just about putting it on Facebook and then you?re done with your marketing.

?I?m not saying these are not valid. You can save a lot of money with advertising if you know how to use your online tools ef?fectively. Marketing is a totally different and integrated process and Facebook is just but one very minute part of this process,? she emphasised.

Interactive avenues

Silas Michael Martin, the man?aging director and chief eventor of local events management company Borneo TRUevents Sdn Bhd (TRUevents) believed that new technology and trends such as social media has evolved the sector to an extent.

?Social media is interesting. It became a norm a few years ago, it has become somewhat compul?sory in the events industry,? he outlined to BizHive Weekly in a recent interview.

?Having presence online is crucial. For example, we have our website and out Facebook account.

?The website is more for of?ficial purposes ? putting us out there, letting people know we are here but our Facebook page serves more of an interactive purpose.

?Through Facebook, we were able to engage more people to at least be aware of the events we are running and also of the fact that we are an events manage?ment house.

?From a regional and global perspective, they get to know that we are here in Kuching. And I think the Internet has helped us to grow a whole lot easier.?

With the introduction of new technologies into its mix, TRUevents is also stepping up its game by innovating the way it run its events and thus providing more offerings in the mix.

INNOVATING SYSTEMS: Photo shows Sungha Jung performing onstage at ?Sungha Jung Live in Borneo? in Kuching last year. TRUevents has invested in new technologies such as an online ticketing system as well as barcode readers to innovate its events.

For example, via its recently-held event ?Sungha Jung Live in Borneo?, the group created a new platform in the manner of an online ticketing system which allowed customers to purchase tickets and make pay?ment online.

This differed from convention?al events whereby one needs to purchase tickets physically.

?You pay online ? with credit cards or online debit system ? and you will then receive the pass by email,? highlighted TRUevents general manager, Terence Lim.

?We don?t print tickets. The participants print them and bring it and we use barcode scan?ners to accept. These are the sort of new things that we?ve tried.?

Silas further added that these were part of the investments into research and development on its part to innovate itself and stay ahead of the competitive curve.

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Green Blog: An Ecolabel for McDonald's Fish Fare

McDonald?s has signed on with the Marine Stewardship Council to show that the fish it serves is caught in an environmentally responsible manner. While the fish is not changing, the deal will make the council?s distinctive blue logo familiar to tens of millions of Americans for the first time.

The world?s biggest fast-food company announced last week that its sourcing of fish for the United States market, which is entirely wild-caught Alaska pollock, had been certified by the council, perhaps the best-known organization promoting sustainable fishing around the world.

The most tangible effect of the sustainability imprimatur is that, beginning next month, Filet-O-Fish wrappers sold in the burger giant?s 14,000 American restaurants will display the Marine Stewardship Council label. McDonald?s also announced on Thursday that it would roll out a new promotional menu item in February called Fish McBites ? think chicken nuggets, only made from pollock ? that would also carry the council?s label.

Judging from photos like this one, it will be impossible to eat a McDonald?s fish product without getting reassurance that your meal is not harming the seas.

McDonald?s did not have to do much to comply with the council?s requirements. Susan Forsell, McDonald?s vice president for sustainability, said that under the company?s own in-house sustainable fisheries program, which began 10 years ago, 100 percent of McDonald?s fish is already purchased from fisheries that have received stewardship council certification.

In Europe, where McDonald?s products rely on both the Alaskan pollock and sustainable European fisheries, the council?s logo already appears on the company?s packaging, Ms. Forsell said.

While McDonald?s packaging in Asia does not currently carry the label, she said, obtaining certification there would not present a problem because McDonald?s fish products there are also sourced from sustainable fisheries.

Beyond burnishing the company?s green credentials, the deal bolsters the image of the Marine Stewardship Council, which has already entered the consciousness of some American consumers through arrangements with Kroger, Costco, Supervalu and Wal-Mart.

Mike DeCesare, a spokesman for the council, said that it receives a 0.5 percent licensing fee on wholesale fish sales when the label is used by a partner.

He declined to provide additional details, saying that partner data was confidential. But McDonald?s sold more than 200 million Filet-O-Fish sandwiches last year in the United States alone, so the deal will probably work out to be a substantial windfall for the organization.

How good the deal is for the fishery, or sustainability in general, is less clear. As I?ve reported in the past, many fisheries scientists are skeptical about the value of the Marine Stewardship Council?s stamp of approval. The organization, founded in 1995 to provide a market-based solution to overfishing, assesses fisheries on the basis of three major criteria: the quality of stock management and the health of the stock and the ecosystem that supports it.

Some of the council?s decisions have met with wide criticism, including the certification of a fish called the New Zealand hoki that McDonald?s serves in some Filet-O-Fish sandwiches outside the United States. The council has also certified as sustainable fisheries for which scientists say the data is so scarce that any management plan is pure guesswork, including those of the Antarctic krill and the Antarctic and Patagonian toothfish.

Many conservationists, including groups like the World Wildlife Foundation, one of its founders, continue to support the council, and some argue that in the absence of straightforward regulation, it is better than nothing. The Marine Stewardship Council says its own analysis shows that the fish stocks it certifies have proved vastly less likely to be overexploited than uncertified stocks.

The Alaskan pollock fishery, the largest food fishery in the United States, is said to be worth about $1 billion. The majority of the catch is turned into fish sticks and surimi, in which the fish is processed into products like imitation crab. The stock is also, the National Marine Fisheries Service likes to say, considered one of the world?s best-managed major fisheries.

As if to prove that one person?s sustainability is another?s catastrophe, native fishermen decried the McDonald?s announcement almost before the ink was dry. They argue that the commercial pollock fishery is responsible for the waste of thousands of king salmon each year as bycatch.


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Unlocking new phones now banned under DMCA, the EFF weighs in

It was great while it lasted, but the days of users legally unlocking their own phones is over. Back in October of last year, the Library of Congress added an exemption to the DMCA to allow folks to free their new phones for 90 days. That three month window has now closed. Of course, carriers are still free to offer unlocked handsets themselves, and some will also unlock them for you as long as certain conditions are met. "Legacy" or used handsets purchased before today can still be unlocked without any finger-wagging from federal courts.

So, what does this mean exactly? Well, Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Mitch Stoltz told us, "What's happening is not that the Copyright Office is declaring unlocking to be illegal, but rather that they're taking away a shield that unlockers could use in court if they get sued." This does make lawsuits much more likely according to him, but it's still up to the courts to decide the actual legality of phone unlocking. Indeed, it's a grim day for those who want true freedom over their own devices. Stoltz said to us, "This shows just how absurd the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is: a law that was supposed to stop the breaking of digital locks on copyrighted materials has led to the Librarian of Congress trying to regulate the used cellphone market."

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Via: Tech News Daily

Source: Library of Congress (Amazon)


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Saturday 26 January 2013

Marked for Power

Marked for Power

Magic? That's only a child's make-believe dream... Or is it? [Open]


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This looks great, I'll post a character at some point today.

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Alright, spot reserved. Now off to bed I go~

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This does look very intriguing. I'd like to make a character if that's alright. I'll probably have them up by the end of today.

Yes, I could use some great philosophical quote that would mind f%?@ you or I could do something worthwhile hmm!?

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//steals the second reserve spot and makes off with it like a bandit in the night The Snow Thief has struck again, mwahahahaha! (I... just thought of that title on the... spot... I_I) An interesting take on magic--it's been awhile since I saw it applied to the "modern world" effectively. Now, time to think of a character...

I fell into that purgatory between waking and dreaming, the transient space existing between conscious and subconscious. It was beautiful... ephemeral. And I could not help but wish to stay forever.


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And yeah I will be done in a jiffy.. o3o

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Frontman for LA band charged with $6M loan fraud

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Robert Mawhinney gave the appearance that his fledgling band, Lights Over Paris, was successful. He enlisted rapper The Game for one of his videos, traveled around the world and had a customized tour bus emblazoned with the group's name on its side.

But federal prosecutors said Mawhinney's fortunes were built on fraud because he bilked more than $6 million in loans from banks by providing them fake documents that claimed he was a millionaire.

Authorities said Friday the 30-year-old singer was charged with making a false statement in a loan application and faces up to 30 years in prison if convicted. He's scheduled to be arraigned Feb. 11.

Over a nearly two-year period, beginning in August 2009, Mawhinney sought and obtained four loans from Comerica Inc. totaling about $6.2 million, according to court documents. He provided statements that claimed he had nearly $8 million in assets, but it turned out his account had only about $10,000, authorities said.

Loan officers even visited a recording studio in Burbank to determine if Mawhinney was creditworthy. There, the singer said he was a successful ghostwriter for various artists and sought the loans to finish a recording room in the studio, among other expenses, court documents show.

During that time, the band released an EP "Turn Off the Lights," which appeared on Billboard's Heatseeker Albums chart. The band also produced a video entitled "I'm Not A Gangsta," in which Mawhinney is riding shotgun in a Rolls Royce driven by The Game.

Prosecutors said Mawhinney attempted to pay off of some of his loans with proceeds he received from earlier payouts, but he eventually defaulted.

Mawhinney, who used the stage name Robb University, apparently lived the rock star lifestyle. He lived in a 35-story luxury high-rise located in downtown Los Angeles, took trips to the Caribbean, Europe and South America, and purchased a luxury tour bus that cost more than $750,000.

The front of the bus, once featured in Limo Digest, resembles the nose of an airplane and the vehicle is equipped with exterior awnings that, when expanded, look like wings.

Mawhinney was arrested at Miami International Airport earlier this month after returning from a trip to Buenos Aires.

He was being held without bond after a U.S. magistrate judge determined he posed a flight risk. Prosecutors said Mawhinney had sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to Cyprus but didn't elaborate.

Mawhinney's attorney, Jerry Kaplan, declined comment.

Prosecutors said that two brothers who ran a recording facility and worked with Mawhinney have agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit loan fraud.

Matt Salazar, 29, and his brother, Jason Salazar, 28, acknowledged they provided false documents to three banks to obtain about $1.7 million in loans for their music business, according to court documents.

Mawhinney used the Salazars' studio to bolster his own fraudulent loan applications, prosecutors said.

The Salazars face a maximum of five years in prison.


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Friday 25 January 2013

Wind, snow thwart search for plane in Antarctica

(AP) ? Hurricane-force winds and snow were preventing searchers Friday from reaching a plane believed to have crashed in an Antarctic mountain range while carrying three Canadians.

Its emergency locator started transmitting late Wednesday about 680 kilometers (420 miles) north of the South Pole, but the weather has prevented search planes overhead from seeing the presumed crash site itself.

Rescuers don't know if the men are alive. Their plane has survival gear including tents and food.

The locator stopped transmitting Thursday night and crews have been unable to establish radio contact. Rescuers say a break in the weather is forecast Saturday.

One man on the plane has been identified as Bob Heath from the Northwest Territories, an experienced pilot in both the Antarctic and Arctic. Rescuers say the other two men were also part of the flight crew and that no passengers were aboard.

The propeller-driven de Havilland Twin Otter, was flying from a U.S. station near the pole to an Italian research base in Terra Nova Bay. Rescuers believe it crashed in the Queen Alexandra mountain range at an elevation of about 3,900 meters (13,000 feet).

Winds of up to 90 knots (104 miles per hour) have been blowing Thursday and Friday.

Steve Rendle, a spokesman for New Zealand's Rescue Coordination Centre, said rescue planes circled the area on Thursday and Friday but have been unable to spot the downed plane due to poor visibility. He said the battery on the locator beacon may have run out but that rescuers have a good fix on its location.

He said that when the weather clears, crews hope to establish a forward base at the Beardmore Glacier about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the assumed crash site. He said there's a rudimentary runway and a fuel depot at the glacier.

For now, two helicopters and a small plane remain at McMurdo Station, the main U.S. base about four hours' flight away. He said the elevation provides extra challenges for helicopter crews.

Heath's wife, Lucy Heath, told the Calgary Sun newspaper that airline officials had told her her husband's plane was down, and she said she was just waiting for more news: "I'm so worried."

Bob Heath wrote on networking site LinkedIn that he typically spends this time of year coaching and mentoring other pilots in polar regions.

The missing plane is owned and operated by Kenn Borek Air Ltd., a Calgary firm that charters aircraft to the U.S. Antarctic program. In a release, the National Science Foundation said the plane was flying in support of the Italian Antarctic program.

Authorities from New Zealand, Canada, the U.S. and Italy are working on the rescue operation.

Antarctica has no permanent residents, but several thousand people live there in the Southern Hemisphere summer as a number of countries send scientists and other staff to research stations. The U.S. runs the largest program, with about 850 staff at its McMurdo Station and another 200 at its Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, where the Canadians' flight originated.

Associated Press


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